Transbanana _ Research
for the advancement of experimental Methods in
Architecture, Urbanism and Culture
Verein zur Förderung von experimentellen Methoden
in Architektur, Urbanismus und Kultur
This NGO for the advancement of experimental methods in architecture, urbanism
and culture aims to promote and carry out interdisciplinary research projects,
artistic productions, and the planning and implementation of bordercrossing
projects on socio-spatial phenomena.
In particular, the cooperation between different scientific and artistic disciplines
that have a research interest in the question of spatial production is to
be intensified.
_ Research was founded in 2020 and acts as the antipode of Transbanana. As
an registered ngo-organisation it helps connecting and working with global
academic research partners and other institutions. Furthermore, it is a funding-tool
for Research-by-Design-Projects or Research-through-Practice-Projects and
other activities, in particular in the field of experimental Cross-Urbanism.
Transbanana _ Research acts independently and autonomously. It is based
in Vienna, however, the working space of the organisation is everywhere.
This everywhere contains the real and the virtual world.
Kontakt / Contact:
Prinz Eugen Str. 46 I 14, 1040 Vienna, Austria
Tel: +43 (0)664 999 55 777
E-mail: contact(at)
Vertreten durch / represented by
Margarethe Mueller, Architect I Urbanist
Erich Hubmann, Architect
im Vereinsregister: / Entry in the register of associations:
Registergericht: Wien / Austria
ZVR Nr.: 1632128759
/ Regulatory authority:
Landespolizeidirektion Wien, Referat Vereins-, Versammlungs- und Medienrechtsangelegenheiten